Thursday, August 28, 2008

Meeting with the Bishop

Last night after young womens Benji and I had an appointment to meet with the bishop. We were both very worried that we were going to receive a new calling in the ward. We both enjoy the callings that we have now and hate to give them up. Well we had a very nice visit with Bishop Smith. He had us come it to talk with him about our going on a mission. He was wondering when we would be available to go. We told him that we have a trip to Florida planned with our family next summer and we wouldn't be able to go until after that. So it might be sometime after next summer. We will see.
We are off tomorrow to go visit Erin, Dale and the grandkids over in Rigby. We are looking forward to spending some time with them.

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Blog

My name for my blog page as you can see is, Life is Great! I hope I can use this blog to let everybody know that it is great. I have a great wife and a great family. Hopefully this will encourage me to keep track of the things happening in my life.

TJ came over today with LJ and helped us start making our blogs.