Saturday, November 22, 2008

Love having family close by

We had TJ and the boys out for part of the day and evening yesterday. We just love it when they come and visit. It is great to have them close by so they can come often. I am glad that we are here and not in Evanston where we had no family close by. It would be wonderful if we had all of our family this close. I realize that would be next to impossible. But we can always wish.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Picture Tag

This is my 4th picture of my 4th folder. It was taken the summer of 2007. It is a picture of Nana, Granddaddy, Bridger and Sam right before we took off on our 1st annual camping trip with grandchildren 8 and over. We are on our way to Warm Lake up by Cascade. We spent a week up there and had a wonderful time. The rest of the Jacksons came up and spent the last few days with us. We look forward to this trip every summer. This past summer we spent a week up at Sage Hen. Summers are wonderful times and we are sad that this one is over. It was a sad day when I had to winterize the trailer and put it away until next spring.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Stained Glass

I have finished my stained glass project that I am making for my sister's Christmas present. It has been a little bit more complicated than the others that we have finished. It has 55 pieces and is larger than the others. It was fun making it and turned out quite nice. This is a neat hobby and one that I will continue to do. My next stained glass project? I'm not sure.