Sunday, March 7, 2010

Finished Glass Project

I finished my stained glass project for the master bath windows. It has been a fun project and I have enjoyed doing it. I need a new project to do so I need suggestions from my daughters for ones I can do for them.


Lucy said...

Those look great Dad! I love to see the results of this talent you have developed so beautifully. I like the one that you made for Megan to go in her kitchen, I wonder what other foods you could do in one of those. :) Love you!

Erin Rebecca said...

I love them! I would always love to have a matching set for my back windows! :) I love the ones with flowers in them!:)

Meg said...

I have been meaning to post a comment for a while now! I absolutely love how they turned out as a 4some. They look wonderful. I like Lucy's idea of the other foods one. Wouldn't it be funny to have one with like a slice of Pizza or something random? People would ask a lot of questions.