Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thanksgiving in Texas

Thank you Megan and Annemarie for a wonderful time at your home and the yummy Thanksgiving dinner!
We were able to spend 9 days with them and did some great things. We went to to Rudy's and had lunch on Wednesday and had the best barbque beef in Texas. We also went to the new Christmas Carol movie at the IMax in 3D. It was a great movie and we all enjoyed it. We also spent some time on the river walk and ate at the Iron Cactus.

Starbuck and Saul were fun to be around, they are great dogs.

We just had a wonderful time and are glad that we were able to take the trip.

1 comment:

Meg said...

We LOVED having "ya'll" here, and we miss you both. The dogs expect to be especially spoiled now. :) We had a great Thanksgiving and early Christmas.
