Friday, December 12, 2008

Early Christmas

  • We have purchased a new music system for Christmas. We love it! It is a Bose system which is small and has great sound. As you can see it takes up very little space on the shelf where the old one was located. SL will not like it as well as the old one because there are not very many buttons and tape decks to open and play with. This one has no buttons, it is operated through the use of remote controls. It is a lot different than the first stereo system I bought in 1970 which consisted of a record player and an 8 track player and took up about 3 feet of shelf space. I am sure we will enjoy our Bose for many years to come.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

27 Pounds of Common Cents

Benji came down the stairs this morning lugging my old piggy bank that I have had since I was little. I reached out and took it from her before she fell from the weight of it. She said that we need do empty it and do something with all the pennies. We proceeded to empty the contents of the bank out onto the kitchen counter. It took us quite awhile to empty it all out though the small hole in the bottom. Taking the pennies out of the bank reminded me of when my brother Ben and I were in elementary school and we would sneek out 5 pennies each to take to school. During lunch time after eating we would run down to the drug store in Thayne and buy us each a Charm sucker. They were in all different flavors and we loved them. The fun in buying them was that there might be a slip of paper under the wrapper saying, "free sucker". We would then receive another sucker. I remember a time when I received 4 or 5 free suckers! It was great!
I took the pennies back to the scale to weigh them. They weighed 27 pounds! We will put them all in penny rolls and get them back into currculation. We checked them over to see if there were any old ones. There were no wheat pennies. The oldest we saw was 1960. We found a few nickels, dimes and a quarter. There were a few other interesting items in it too as you can see from the picture above.
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Monday, December 1, 2008


We had a wonderful time during the week of Thanksgiving! We had everyone home for the week except for Megan, and we truly missed having her here. But we are looking forward to having her at Christmas time. The grandkids had great fun playing games and being together. The adults also had a fun time playing games and talking. We had good weather and were able to spend some time out side. On Friday night we had a suprise visit from Mike and Sheila Erickson. They were just on a drive up here and decided to stop by and visit. We had a great time catching up on all the news from Evanston. They were glad to have seen the girls and their families. They were disappointed in not being able to see Megan. Everyone left yesterday and it seems too quiet in the house. We really miss having them here and hearing all the fun noises from everyone.