Friday, December 12, 2008

Early Christmas

  • We have purchased a new music system for Christmas. We love it! It is a Bose system which is small and has great sound. As you can see it takes up very little space on the shelf where the old one was located. SL will not like it as well as the old one because there are not very many buttons and tape decks to open and play with. This one has no buttons, it is operated through the use of remote controls. It is a lot different than the first stereo system I bought in 1970 which consisted of a record player and an 8 track player and took up about 3 feet of shelf space. I am sure we will enjoy our Bose for many years to come.

1 comment:

Tory said...

I can't wait to come and listen to music at your house! AJ and I have wanted a Bose FOREVER!